GPIO keys
How to use gpio-keys driver to read states of the user switch of your Armadeus board. Your APF51|APF27|APF28 development board feature a user switch connected to a GPIO pin. The driver gpio-keys translates GPIO events in key/button events. Here are the GPIO used for the user button/switch for each APF board:
- APF27: GPIO_PORTF | 13
- APF28: PINID_GPMI_CE1N (Bank 0 - bit 17)
- APF51: GPIO1_3
First, you need to enable the gpio_keys in your kernel.
Device Drivers ---> Input device support ---> <*> Event interface [*] Keyboards ---> <*> GPIO Buttons
Then, in your apfXX-dev.c, you would need to define your GPIO button before the variable platform_devices[] and also include gpio_keys.h and input.h. his code is already implemented for the APF27, APF28 and APF51 so the source code hereafter (for the APF27) is only present as a reference sample to understand how to activate a GPIO KEY driver.
#include <linux/gpio_keys.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
static struct gpio_keys_button apf27dev_gpio_keys[] = {
.code = BTN_EXTRA, /* See include/linux/input.h */
.gpio = (GPIO_PORTF | 13), /* GPIO number */
.active_low = 1,
.desc = "s1", /* Button description*/
.wakeup = 0,
static struct gpio_keys_platform_data apf27dev_gpio_keys_data = {
.buttons = apf27dev_gpio_keys,
.nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(apf27dev_gpio_keys),
static struct platform_device apf27dev_gpio_keys_device = {
.name = "gpio-keys",
.id = -1,
.dev = {
.platform_data = &apf27dev_gpio_keys_data,
Add the button to get it recognized by the card.
static struct platform_device *platform_devices[] __initdata = {
# cat /dev/input/event0
Then you should see weirds characters when pressing the user button of the apf51_dev board:
T ����T �T � ��T %�
- if the test wiped out your console, you can get it back with:
# reset
You also can use the tool evtest.
Hardware handling ---> [*] input-tools [*] evtest
# evtest /dev/input/event0 ... Event: time 1335981358.550329, type 22 (EV_PWR), code 0 (), value 1 Event: time 1335981358.550330, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1335981358.550329, type 22 (EV_PWR), code 0 (), value 0 Event: time 1335981358.550330, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------