How to use gpio-leds driver to manage states of the LEDs connected to your Armadeus Dev board.
You can manage a LED connected to a GPIO pin with a sysfs interface very similar to the standard GPIO sysfs driver, but you will have some new features like triggers (e.g. "heartbeat" trigger will make LED blink like a heart at the rate of the CPU load) . Here are the GPIO used for the user LED on each APF board:
- APF9328: PORT A / bit 2
- APF27: GPIO_PORTF | 14
- APF28: PINID_GPMI_RDY1 (Bank 0 - pin 21)
- APF6: GPIO7 | 12
- OPOS6UL: GPIO3 | 4
Note: Following configuration instructions are now done by default in BSP > 5.3, so you can skip them if you use a recent armadeus software |
You need to enable the leds-gpio driver in your kernel and some triggers like the "heartbeat".
- Configure Linux kernel:
$ make linux-menuconfig
Device Drivers ---> --- LED support [*] LED Class Support *** LED drivers *** <*> LED Support for GPIO connected LEDs [*] Platform device bindings for GPIO LEDs *** LED Triggers *** [*] LED Trigger support <*> LED Timer Trigger <*> LED Heartbeat Trigger <*> LED backlight Trigger <*> LED Default ON Trigger
Then, in your apfXX-dev.c, you would need to define your LED before the variable platform_devices[]. This code is already implemented for the APF27, APF28 and APF51 so the source code hereafter (for the APF27) is only present as a reference sample to understand how to activate a GPIO LED driver.
#include <linux/leds.h>
/* GPIO LED */
static struct gpio_led apf27dev_led[] = {
.name = "apfdev:green:user",
.default_trigger = "heartbeat",
.gpio = (GPIO_PORTF | 14),
.active_low = 1,
static struct gpio_led_platform_data apf27dev_led_data = {
.num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(apf27dev_led),
.leds = apf27dev_led
static struct platform_device apf27dev_led_dev = {
.name = "leds-gpio",
.id = -1,
.dev = {
.platform_data = &apf27dev_led_data,
#endif /* CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO */
Add the LED to get it managed by the kernel.
static struct platform_device *platform_devices[] __initdata = {
Then rebuild and update your bard with the new kernel. Upon the next kernel boot you should see the LED flash like a heartbeat (if you have activated the "heartbeat" trigger)
- In following instructions replace $LED with "apfdev\:green\:user", except on OPOS6ULDev where you will use "User":
# ls /sys/class/leds/$LED/ brightness max_brightness subsystem uevent device power trigger
You can change the trigger behaviors. By default, Heartbeat is selected:
- "heatbeat": led blinks like a heart and blink frequency will change according o the CPU activity.
- "nand-disk": the led will blink each time nand access occur (try with sync command to see it blinking).
# cat /sys/class/leds/$LED/trigger none nand-disk mmc0 timer [heartbeat] backlight gpio default-on # echo none > /sys/class/leds/$LED/trigger
Switch on and off the LED
# cat /sys/class/leds/$LED/max_brightness > /sys/class/leds/$LED/brightness # echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/$LED/brightness
It is possible to switch led state using the APF28Dev user button. This button is seen as gpio17 (as seen under APF28Dev datasheet) under Linux, then configure the led trigger as gpio :
# echo "gpio" > /sys/class/leds/$LED/trigger
New config files are available :
# ls /sys/class/leds/$LED:green:user/ brightness gpio power uevent desired_brightness inverted subsystem device max_brightness trigger
Then the trigger gpio can be configured with gpio file :
# echo 17 > /sys/class/leds/$LED/gpio
Then pushing the user switch will now commute the LED state.