From ArmadeusWiki
How-To install Armadeus Software Development Kit for Linux/Window$
Before writing your first program, you will need to build the required tools to compile it on your host system (cross compilation). The gnu toolchain will be used.
- Binutils: several gnu utilities
- Buildroot / busybox: "swiss knife"
- GCC: GNU compiler
- GDB: GNU debugger
- RootFS: root file system. File system which will be installed on your target
- UBoot: Bios
Recommended System Requirements
- HD free space: at least 1.5GB
- 1Go preferable
- 2GHz processor with a 533MHz FSB
- High speed ethernet connection (1Mbits)
With these settings, you will get a complete toolchain, linux and the rootfs in about 1h30.
Linux installation
Window$ installation
Note: the native host operating system to compile the toolchain is Linux. A lot of time is spent to successfully compile it under Windows as well. Despite these efforts, some limitations or troubles can be observed. Please report them.