Project Description
The application field of this project is robotic.
The goal of this project is to provide a R/C Servos Controller to manage R/C by different ways, and a motion measurement system via accelerometers.
The project is composed by different componants:
- A hardware board on which are plugged R/C servos, accelerometers and ADC multiplexers.
- A FPGA firmware which manages R/C servo at low level (Already written, thanks to Sonzerro and Fabien Marteau).
- A Linux Kernel Driver which manages the FPGA Firware, the ADC multiplexers and ADC Max1027.
- A user space daemon which manages the driver and listen on TCP port to accept remote commands from the network.
- A user desktop application which sends commands to the daemon.
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Participating Armadeus members
- Yvan ROCH
Project data
Overall original objectives of the project have not been reached. The following functionality are not implemented:
- The accelerometers and ADC multiplexers are under development (hardware, driver and user application).
- The board is available in schematic form. No PCB layout.
The following functionality are implemented:
- A FPGA firmware which manages R/C servo at low level.
- A Linux Kernel Driver which manages the FPGA Firware.
- A user space daemon which manages the driver and listen on TCP port to accept remote commands from the network.
- A user desktop application which sends commands to the daemon.
Project Files
All the necessary files are available in an archive under the following URL: Project Files
Hardware Board
The board contains the logic and voltage level adaptation to drive the R/C servos. As already said, the is no PCB layout.
The schematic is available in the file...
The schematic was design with Eagle available at the following URL: Eagle
FPGA Firmware
Linux Kernel Driver
User Space Daemon
User GUI Application
How to use the project
The main goal of this project is to develop a system to manage motion on robotic platform. Finally only the subsystem that manages R/C servos is achieved.